{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for the project status report. * * Available variables: * - title: The project title. * - url: The project URL. * - status: The project status. * - label: The project status label. * - attributes: HTML attributes for the project status. * - reason: The reason you should update the project. * - icon: The project status version indicator icon. * - existing_version: The version of the installed project. * - versions: The available versions of the project. * - install_type: The type of project (e.g., dev). * - datestamp: The date/time of a project version's release. * - extras: HTML attributes and additional information about the project. * - attributes: HTML attributes for the extra item. * - label: The label for an extra item. * - data: The data about an extra item. * - includes: The projects within the project. * - disabled: The currently disabled projects in the project. * * @see template_preprocess_update_project_status() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% set status_classes = [ project.status == constant('Drupal\\update\\UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_SECURE') ? 'project-update__status--security-error gin-status gin-status--danger', project.status == constant('Drupal\\update\\UpdateManagerInterface::REVOKED') ? 'project-update__status--revoked gin-status gin-status--danger', project.status == constant('Drupal\\update\\UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_SUPPORTED') ? 'project-update__status--not-supported gin-status gin-status--danger', project.status == constant('Drupal\\update\\UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_CURRENT') ? 'project-update__status--not-current gin-status gin-status--warning', project.status == constant('Drupal\\update\\UpdateManagerInterface::CURRENT') ? 'project-update__status--current gin-status gin-status--success', ] %} {{ status.icon }} {%- if status.label -%} {{ status.label }} {%- else -%} {{ status.reason }} {%- endif %}
{%- if url -%} {{ title }} {%- else -%} {{ title }} {%- endif %} {{ existing_version }} {% if install_type == 'dev' and datestamp %} ({{ datestamp }}) {% endif %}
{% if versions %} {% for version in versions %} {{ version }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% set extra_classes = [ project.status == constant('Drupal\\update\\UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_SECURE') ? 'project-not-secure', project.status == constant('Drupal\\update\\UpdateManagerInterface::REVOKED') ? 'project-revoked', project.status == constant('Drupal\\update\\UpdateManagerInterface::NOT_SUPPORTED') ? 'project-not-supported', ] %}
{% if extras %}
{% for extra in extras %} {{ extra.label }}: {{ extra.data }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% set includes = includes|join(', ') %} {% if disabled %} {{ 'Includes:'|t }} {% else %} {% trans %} Includes: {{ includes|placeholder }} {% endtrans %} {% endif %}