label: 'Adding content to a book'
- book.about
- book.configuring
- book.creating
- book.organizing
{% set node_add_link_text %}{% trans %}Add content{% endtrans %}{% endset %}
{% set node_add_link = render_var(help_route_link(node_add_link_text, 'node.add_page')) %}
{% set configuring_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('book.configuring')) %}
{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Add a page to an existing book.{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Content > {{ node_add_link }} > Book page. If you have configured additional content types that can be added to books, you can substitute a different content type for Book page; see {{ configuring_topic }} for more information.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Enter a title for the page and some text for the body of the page.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}In the vertical tabs area, click Book Outline. Select the book you want to add the page to in the Book select list. If you want to insert this page into the book hierarchy, also select the desired parent page in the Parent item select list.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Select the desired weight for the page in the Weight select list (pages with the same parent item are ordered from lowest to highest weight).{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Click Save to add the page to the book.{% endtrans %}