label: 'Creating a content block'
- block.overview
- block.configure
- block.place
- block_content.type
{% set library_link_text %}{% trans %}Content blocks{% endtrans %}{% endset %}
{% set library_link = render_var(help_route_link(library_link_text, 'entity.block_content.collection')) %}
{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Create a content block, which can later be placed on the site.{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Content.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Open the {{ library_link }} tab.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Click Add content block. If you have more than one block type defined on your site, click the name of the type you want to create.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Enter a description of your block (to be shown to administrators) and the body text for your block.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Click Save.{% endtrans %}